The end…

This is my last post from my class TC1017, it was a pleassure to course it.

In a previous post, I explained my project, about a medicine sistem, well, here is the code, hope it would help you.


Estimating e

Estimate the mathematical constant e.

You will want to use the infinite series to calculate the value, stopping when the accuracy is reached.

This is my code, hpe it would help you. #MasteryTopic26 #MasteryTopic20

Captura de pantalla 2017-11-21 08.47.07

WSQ13… The end

This is our last WSQ acticity of the semester, hope my blog helps you to understand a little bit more this excercises.

Today, we learn how to use a program named Scilab, a program where you can:

• The console for making calculations,
• The editor for writing programs,
• The graphics windows for displaying graphics,
• The embedded help.

Here is the link where you can download it and a book with the first steps to get into the program.


Hope you find it interesting, nice day and thanks for visiting.


In this code, we should make a program that counts the times that the word banana, it doesn’t matter if it was in capital letters, that appear in a text. It wasn’t very long or difficult, but you should know how to convert all the words into capital letters or lower letters.

Here is my code. #MasteryTopic24 #MasteryTopic21Captura de pantalla 2017-11-07 08.59.30

About our project…

Here is the project that Claudia Romero and I are going to do. (It´s in spanish for you to understand better).

Programa de enlace entre farmacia y consultorio médico pensado para el sector público.

Objetivo: Optimizar el proceso de atención y disminuir la cantidad de recetas no abastecidas.


Ver disponibilidad de medicamentos en farmacia
Ver diferentes presentaciones del medicamento
Marcar error
Facilitar correo al supervisor
Cronograma de trabajo:

3 de noviembre: abrir archivos de excel (sacar cantidad de medicamentos disponibles y sus presentaciones)

10 de noviembre: marcar error y enviar correo (error de dedo y preguntar por el correo del supervisor)

17 de noviembre: últimos detalles (hacer programa amigable)

21 de noviembre: Entrega final

*Trabajo a la hora de clases, en caso de ser necesario se trabajará tiempo extra.

Resultado de imagen para medicamentos


This code was veeery difficult for our class to make it work, but finally we did it. Here is a video that helps us as much as our teacher. Hope it would help you.

#MasteryTopic9 #MasteryTopic15 #MasteryTopic19


In this program,  create a function that receives as parameter the name of a file (this would be a string value like data.txt) and counts the number of lines and the number of characters in the file which it returns as a single value (but with two values), Here is my code. #MateryTopic21  #MasteryTopic20

Captura de pantalla 2017-10-27 08.46.20